“It’s their basic human right to have access to opportunities in these sports. It’s something the abled-body community often takes for granted, that we have access to almost any recreational opportunity. Whereas, for a lot of our athletes, our programs are that one opportunity.” – Kyle Hitzelberg, Sportable
Kyle Hitzelberg believes his love of sports and the outdoors should be an experience accessible to everyone. Kyle works with athletes with physical disabilities and visual impairments from all over Virginia to provide adaptations for kayaking, rock climbing, cycling, rowing, whitewater rafting, mountain biking and other outdoor sports. Through an organization called Sportable, Kyle is building community, transforming lives and ensuring everyone has an opportunity to adventure in the outdoors. Let’s Go!
Links Mentioned:
Sportable: https://www.sportable.org/
Kyle Hitzelberg: kyle@sportable.org
Beyond Boundaries: https://www.beyondboundariesrva.org/
Wintergreen Adaptive Sports: https://www.wintergreenadaptivesports.org/
Team River Runner: https://www.teamriverrunner.org/
Therapeutic Adventures: http://taonline.org/v2/
Life Rolls On: https://liferollson.org/
REACHCycles: http://www.reachcycles.org/
Virginia Capital Trail: https://www.virginiacapitaltrail.org/
International Paralympics: https://www.paralympic.org/
Mabra: http://mabra.org/index.html
Get Set for All: http://getset4all.org/
Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical Center: https://www.richmond.va.gov/about/index.asp
Paralyzed Veterans of America Mid-Atlantic Chapter: https://pvamidatlantic.org/
Wounded Warrior Project: https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/
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